Here you can see people such as a monk, archer, flute player, clown and others in Sumi-e by Marianne Marx-Bleil.
ID: 5S82-0610
ID: 5S39-0566
On back of wallpaper
ID: 5S97-0624
On Back of wallpaper
ID: 5S145-0673
ID: 6S116-816
Nude Sumi-e
ID: 6S118-0818
Bodhidharma Sumi-e
ID: 8S10-0943,1
ID: T107-2483
ID: X7-1488
ID: T108-2484
ID: X5-1486
The page reveals the aspiration of Japanese ink painting: to express a great deal with few means, while leaving the viewer room for their own imagination to supplement the pictures with their own ideas. After a meditative phase of concentration, a few unchanging, suggestive brushstrokes are often enough to create a sumi-e picture, an ink drawing, brush painting or let's call it a brush drawing. A lot of black and white, a lot of free space and sometimes also colors very sparingly, sometimes also garishly dotted, create harmony for Marianne Marx-Bleil's images of meditation, Zen art, joie de vivre, sadness, humor or everyday scenes. Sumi-e art should not be regarded as an object. It does not require intellectual debate as to whether it is a matter of sketches, simple illustrations or deliberately created works of art or whether, where or how the "exotic touch" is emphasized. Marianne Marx-Bleil once remarked on this: Making and doing are two different things. I cannot make pictures. They arise from non-doing...not from wanting...only from unintentionality. The viewers of sumi-e art should look just as unintentionally, but with concentration, and absorb the ink paintings emotionally in order to hear the artists' brushwork and allow the invisible to become visible.
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